

Give a new dimension to your business in Switzerland with our web agency. We offer a full range of services to help you develop your online presence and achieve your business goals.


Realpstrasse 81, 4054 Basel, Suisse.

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Give a new dimension to your business in Switzerland with our web agency. We offer a full range of services to help you develop your online presence and achieve your business goals.


Realpstrasse 81, 4054 Basel, Suisse.

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for businesses in Switzerland. It allows them to be well-visible on search engines, which attracts new customers.


Additionally, good SEO results in a higher position in search results, which can make the difference between a business that attracts many customers and one that remains in the shadows.


In short, SEO is essential for businesses looking to increase their visibility and popularity in Switzerland.

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Natural referencing (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation, also known as SEO, is the set of techniques and strategies aimed at improving the position of a website in the search results of search engines, such as Google.


The aim of SEO is to optimise a website so that it is well indexed by search engines and appears at the top of the search results for keywords relevant to the website in question.


The better a website is indexed, the more visible it is and the more likely it is to attract qualified traffic.

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Paid referencing (SEA)

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) is a form of online advertising that aims to improve the visibility of a website in the search results of a search engine, such as Google.


In general, SEA ads are delivered as sponsored links that appear at the top or bottom of search results, and are targeted according to various criteria, such as the keywords used by the user in their search.


For a business, SEA can be a very useful tool to improve its online visibility and attract new customers. For example, a company can use SEA to serve targeted ads to people who are looking for products or services similar to those offered by the company, or in its region.


In this way, it can attract the attention of Internet users and encourage them to visit its website or contact the company directly online.


In short, SEA can be an effective tool for companies wishing to improve their online visibility and attract new customers.


However, it is important to target the ads and monitor performance to ensure that the advertising investment is worthwhile.

Go ahead with


As a web agency in Switzerland, we offer you content writing services tailored to your needs to improve your online visibility, using search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques.


Our SEO experts use the most relevant keywords for your industry to help you reach the top positions on search engines.


This will help you attract more customers to your website and increase your turnover.

"SEO is like a journey: you have to know where you are going and how to get there to succeed."

Wil Reynolds
"SEO is like a recipe: you need the right ingredients and the right amount to get the perfect result."

Vanessa Fox
"SEO is like a puzzle: you have to put everything together to get the final result."

Adam Audette